Creating a Water Feature on Your Property

Creating a Water Feature on Your Property

Introducing a water element into the landscape design of your property is not just a striking accent but also a way to create a unique atmosphere of tranquility and harmony. This article will discuss how you can transform your garden or yard by introducing various types of water bodies. From dug ponds to sophisticated cascades and streams, we will explore the different ways to integrate water elements into the landscape, considering both their aesthetic appeal and functionality. We will look at different types of water bodies, their design and placement, and provide tips for creating the perfect water nook that will become the highlight of your property. Let’s dive into the world of landscape design and learn how to properly choose and arrange a water body so that it harmoniously fits into your garden and becomes a source of inspiration and relaxation.

Diversity of Water Bodies in the Garden

Garden water bodies can vary in their structure and feeding methods. Depending on the source of water, they can have either natural (groundwater, rainwater, snowmelt) or artificial feeding. Artificial water bodies, such as filled reservoirs, often get water from various sources, including wells, springs, boreholes, or through pipelines.

Classification by Drainage

There are non-draining and flowing types of water bodies. Non-draining ones are usually placed in natural depressions in the landscape, such as ravines or gullies. They can be constructed using waterproofing materials, with the possibility of draining water into communication systems, such as sewers. Flowing structures include streams and rivers, as well as ponds created on small watercourses.

Design and Implementation

Creating a water body in a garden requires considering many aspects and a professional approach. Designing such features as dug ponds requires the collaboration of specialists from various fields, including hydraulic engineers and landscape designers. It is crucial to calculate not only the type of water feeding for the pond but also its capacity, taking into account natural water flows, the thickness of the waterproofing layer, and soil properties.

Choosing a Location for the Water Body

Finding a suitable location for a water feature in a small garden can be challenging. The terrain of the site often suggests the most appropriate place for a water body. For instance, if there is a hill on the site, cascades or streams creating a visual increase in elevation are ideal. On flat and plain areas, calm reservoirs with a still water surface that promotes peaceful contemplation and reflection are suitable.

Designing and Integrating into the Landscape

When designing a water body, it is crucial to plan its location for the best view and visual perception. The water surface should be visible from key points on the site and fit well into the surrounding landscape.

Developing the Shoreline Area

When determining the size of the water body, it is necessary to consider not only the area of the water surface but also the arrangement of the shoreline. This includes the development of the shoreline, the installation of decks, rest areas with benches, as well as landscaping with trees, shrubs, and flower beds. Don't forget about water collection systems either.

Creating a water feature on your property is a complex task that requires careful planning and a professional approach. Good luck in creating your perfect water corner!