The Marvelous World of Art Deco

The Marvelous World of Art Deco

Art Deco is a world filled with luxury, grace, and sophistication. This architectural style originated in the 1920s in France and quickly gained popularity around the globe. What captivated people's hearts about it?

Origins of Magnificence

Art Deco's inception was marked by the 1925 World Fair in Paris. Buildings and structures presented there amazed everyone with their fantastical forms and richness of decor. It was something entirely new and unusual! Clean lines, luxurious materials, the play of light and shadow... Everyone admired this beauty and wanted to see such architecture in real life.

Distinctive Features

What do typical Art Deco buildings look like? They are tall tower-like structures, often with stepped or jagged outlines. Their facades are lavishly decorated with ornaments, sculptures, mosaics. Large windows let in plenty of light, making the interiors seem even more spacious and airy. Inside, a real fairy tale unfolds with expensive wood, metals, marble.

The style's hallmark is concise geometric shapes, straight lines, rigor, and symmetry. Yet, every detail is carefully thought out to embody a dream of luxurious, comfortable, and at the same time functional surroundings.

Masterpieces of Art Deco

One of the brightest examples of Art Deco in architecture is rightfully the Chrysler Building in New York. This 77-story building with typical style-tiered setbacks and vertical ribs embodies the dream of a luxurious, futuristic city. The interiors of the skyscraper are stunning, with marble, brass, wooden panels, and ornamental plasterwork.

Another masterpiece is the Carlton Hotel in Cannes. Its curved facade, like a wave, sweeps along the promenade. Here, too, is the same chic and sparkle: an arcade colonnade at the entrance, an elegant atrium, luxurious rooms with gilding, plasterwork, and exquisite furniture. The views of the sea and mountains complete this sense of wonder.

In Minsk, one of the brightest monuments of Art Deco is the House of Books. It's one of the few surviving buildings of this architectural style after the war. It is distinguished by its strictly symmetrical composition, conciseness of forms, vertical division of the facade. Despite its modest size, it's a significant contribution of the Belarusian capital to the treasury of world Art Deco.

Enduring Charm

Today, the interest in Art Deco has not faded. This style inspires designers and architects to create elegant, stylish interiors and buildings. After all, the essence of Art Deco is the skillful combination of comfort and beauty, practicality, and chic.

Art Deco is an entire universe of luxury and harmony. A mysterious and enticing world that beckons to be fully immersed in!