Retro Style Furniture

Retro Style Furniture

Amidst a resurgence of interest in historical art, retro-style furniture, reminiscent of the 17th and 18th centuries, is regaining popularity. This era is known for its graceful, sometimes extravagant forms, characterized by an abundance of decorations and adornments. Acquiring authentic antique furniture pieces is challenging, as they are often part of historical heritage and preserved in museums.

Reincarnation of the Style in Modern Manufacturing

Reincarnation of the Style in Modern Manufacturing

Modern furniture manufacturers, inspired by the sophistication and magnificence of the Baroque and Rococo eras, have succeeded in creating true masterpieces that combine historical accuracy with modern technologies. Using advanced wood processing methods and innovative design approaches, they create furniture that transports us to the atmosphere of past centuries while retaining all the advantages of modern materials and technologies.

The secret to this success lies in the meticulous work on each element: from exquisite carving to precise patina imitation, giving the furniture an antique look. Craftsmen use high-quality wood species such as oak, beech, and ash, each undergoing thorough treatment. The application of modern impregnations and varnishes not only enhances the appearance of the products but also significantly extends their lifespan, protecting them from pests, decay, and even fire.

Thus, modern technologies allow not only to recreate the appearance of antique furniture but also to endow it with new qualities, making it more functional and durable. These products do not simply copy antique items; they breathe new life into classic forms, offering consumers not only aesthetic pleasure but also the practicality of modern furniture art.

Influence of Retro Style on Modern Interior

Influence of Retro Style on Modern Interior

Modern design, inspired by retro, embodies the romance of bygone eras. Interiors decorated with such furniture pieces are transformed, acquiring a special sophistication and refinement. Owners of such homes and apartments are often regarded as connoisseurs of art and elegance. The market demands not only exact replicas of ancient masterpieces but also modern interpretations with elements of inlay, carved patterns, and original fittings.

Cost and Accessibility of Retro Furniture

Retro style in modern execution can be quite a costly affair, especially if the furniture is made from rare wood species with artificial "aging" and includes a lot of handwork. Nonetheless, the exclusivity and uniqueness of such interior items make them a desirable acquisition for connoisseurs. Furnishing a home in retro style requires significant investment, but the result – a unique and aesthetically rich interior – justifies these expenses.


Retro-style furniture is more than just interior items. It's a way to express one's love for history, refinement of taste, and pursuit of beauty. The return to classics through modern technologies and approaches makes this style relevant and desirable for many.