Characteristics of Construction Materials Conformity Assessment

Characteristics of Construction Materials Conformity Assessment

Conformity assessment is a process in which a particular product is assigned a status that certifies its compliance with current regulatory acts. Construction materials, along with many other products, also undergo the conformity assessment procedure.

When producing construction materials, it is extremely important to follow the rules set by technical regulations. There are cases when substandard construction materials end up on construction sites and can lead to various unforeseen situations. If we're talking about checking the quality of work gear for builders, then in this case, the quality of the product can be crucial for ensuring the safety of workers.

How Does the Process of Conformity Assessment for Construction Materials Occur?

Any construction materials produced both domestically and abroad must undergo the conformity assessment procedure. The procedure itself consists of a series of tests that the materials are subjected to. These tests are aimed at determining the safety of construction products for the consumer. Often, construction materials can have a specific smell that causes allergic reactions.

For the quality investigation of the product, the manufacturer must provide a package of documents, which will indicate the exact composition of the product, as well as samples.

Objectives of Conducting Conformity Assessment:

  • Determining the level of material radioactivity;
  • Checking for the presence of prohibited and harmful substances;
  • Determining the level of resistance to mechanical loads;
  • Evaluating reliability in operation.

Besides these criteria, materials also undergo tests for frost resistance, moisture resistance, sound insulation, and other characteristics.

After passing all the procedures for confirming the conformity of construction materials, they are assigned a certificate, testifying to the compliance with established norms. After receiving such a document, the product can be legally marketed.

Where is it Best to Conduct Tests for Construction Materials?

For the most accurate test results, the examination should be conducted in professional equipped laboratories. Only certified specialists who have accreditation specifically in the field of conformity assessment of construction materials can conduct such research.

In the case that the material is produced in batches, the certificate is issued for a period of 1 to 3 years, after which the material needs to be tested again. The duration for which the product is considered certified depends on the features of the production and composition.

Step-by-Step Process of Conformity Assessment

  1. The first step is to submit an application to the certification body in accordance with the norms concerning construction products;
  2. Next is the checking of the production process. Laboratory representatives monitor compliance with all rules during production;
  3. Representatives of the certification body examine the samples provided by the manufacturer for composition;
  4. Other tests are conducted;
  5. Upon successful quality testing, the product receives a certificate of conformity.

This procedure is conducted so that only high-quality construction materials reach the consumer.

Comparison of International Certification Standards

The procedure for confirming the conformity of construction materials can vary in different countries according to local regulatory acts and standards. Let's see how this procedure differs in the USA, Ukraine, and Russia.

USA: In the United States, the certification process of construction materials is regulated by the International Building Code (IBC). It sets minimum requirements for the safety of construction materials and their testing methods. Certification is usually conducted by independent accredited laboratories, such as Underwriters Laboratories (UL) or Intertek. After successful testing, materials are assigned the corresponding marking.

Ukraine: In Ukraine, the certification of construction materials is regulated by the Law "On Building Standards" and the corresponding technical regulations. The procedure includes checking the documentation, sampling, and testing in accredited laboratories. After successful testing, materials receive a certificate of conformity to Ukrainian quality standards.

Russia: In the Russian Federation, the procedure for confirming the conformity of construction materials is regulated by the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" and the corresponding technical regulations. Certification is conducted by accredited bodies such as Gosstroynadzor or Rosstroy Certification. The process includes analyzing documentation, sampling, testing in accredited laboratories, and issuing certificates of conformity to Russian standards.

Despite some differences in procedures and certification bodies, the common goal in all countries is to ensure the safety and quality of construction materials and comply with national and international building standards.