Harmony of different styles in interior design

Harmony of different styles in interior design

The interior style is a reflection of your inner world. It depends on individual characteristics, habits, professional activities, and lifestyle. A harmonious interior, matching your aspirations and character, turns your home into the perfect living space. However, the diversity of styles sometimes complicates the choice, making it a long and challenging process. I will discuss the most popular styles that currently define trends in the world of design.

Classical Style

Classical Style

The classic style implies a combination of luxury, elegant lines, correct forms, and refined design solutions. It is characterized by comfort and nobility. The classical style is enriched with colors such as brown, beige, pearl, coffee, and milky.



Minimalism is a synthesis of conciseness, simple lines, open space, and a minimum of decor. A feature of minimalism is the large amount of light due to spacious windows, making the outside world part of the interior. Light, natural shades dominate in minimalism. Furniture and accessories here are chosen with a focus on functionality, for example, multifunctional furniture, movable bookshelves, and modern appliances.

Art Deco

Art Deco

Art Deco – is a pursuit of luxury and glamour. This style combines bold use of various materials, Eastern motifs, and antique elements. Distinctive features of Art Deco are clarity of lines, graphic quality, broken and curved shapes, as well as details like zigzags, circles, and triangles. Materials used in Art Deco include ceramics, glass, bronze, as well as carpets with cubic patterns, fans, fountains, and wrought iron grilles.

Combining Styles for Comfort

Combining different styles in the interior of a house where people with various tastes live is a complex but at the same time fascinating task. The main goal is to create a harmonious space that reflects the unique preferences of each resident, while maintaining overall stylistic integrity. It's not just a way to avoid visual dissonance but also an opportunity to enrich the interior, making it more expressive and memorable.

In the process of combining styles, it's important to ensure that each decor element or piece of furniture fits into the overall design concept. Contrasting elements can be used to create accents, but they should not disrupt the overall harmony of the space. Applying common color solutions, textures, or design motifs can be the connecting link between different styles. For example, combining minimalist furniture with rich classical accessories can create an interesting and balanced image.

Integrating styles requires a careful approach and understanding of the basic principles of each to achieve effective and harmonious combination. This not only makes the interior comfortable for all family members but also highlights the individuality of each, making the home unique and exclusive.